Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Crispiest Roast Chicken

My husband's favourite, favourite, is roast chicken. But not just any roast chicken, it needs to have my secret basting on it, that makes the skin crispy all over and delicious.

Not so much of a secret any more, I have detailed the recipe below :-)

Crispy Roast Chicken Basting:


2 tablespoons Olive oil
3 tablespoons butter
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
thyme (fresh if possible)
a little sprinkling of paprika
1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard


Blend all ingredients together and baste all over the chicken until well-coated.
Place the bird on a baking grid in a baking tray. It is important to have the chicken on a raised grid on the tray, as this allows the hot air to crisp the skin over the whole bird.

Tip: Be sure to spray the grid with cooking spray before baking.

Bake on high for 30 mins and then turn down to 220 'c to finish cooking for a further 40 mins.

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